dance tech academy

Adult Ballet

These classes introduce technical elements of Ballet.

Adult Ballet is the perfect low-impact dance class for adults of all levels. Learn and practice Ballet basics in an easy-going environment. This class focuses on correct placement of the body, alignment of posture, proper technique, and knowledge of ballet terminology. Students will learn classical techniques & terminology at the barre, in centre, & across the floor.


Adult Class​

$ 48/month

Dress Code

Comfortable attire in which dancers can easily and freely move such as leotards, tights, leggings, spandex shorts, fitted tanks/tees, etc. No jeans, baggy pants/shirts, or other clothing that restricts movement. Ballet shoes.

Clothing and shoes available for purchase at our on-site dancewear store.

Smiling Mature ballet dancer exercising in ballet class

Other courses for Adults


Social Ballroom



Ready to get started?

Click to register.

If you still have questions, let us know! We would love to talk.

Give us a call at (208) 525-3229

Or stop by the studio for a tour.