dance tech academy

Hip Hop Dance


Must be 10 years of age by the first day of class.

These classes introduce technical elements of Hip Hop.

Let’s groove!  Hip hop classes will learn different forms of urban and street dance, as well as focus on basic body awareness and isolations.  These skills will be practiced in various exercises, combinations, and choreography.  Classes will receive costumes and learn routines to perform during the season.


Recreation Class​

$ 40/month

Dress Code

Comfortable attire in which dancers can easily and freely move such as sweatpants/joggers, leggings & T-shirts. No jeans, overly baggy pants/shirts, or other clothing that restricts movement. 

Lightweight athletic footwear should be worn.  Do not wear shoes that are worn outside or shoes that restrict movement, such as slip-ons.  No jewelry. 

Curly female trainer dancing hip hop

Other courses for this age group


Jazz + Ballet


Ballet Technique


Modern/Contemporary Technique


Jazz Technique

Ready to get started?

Click to register.

If you still have questions, let us know! We would love to talk.

Give us a call at (208) 525-3229

Or stop by the studio for a tour.